when i found out s was going to the zurich office a long time ago, i was so jealous and just kept picturing him strolling around the lake. even more than yodeling through the alps, it's my mental image of switzerland. i was a little bummed that i didn't get a chance to escape the city this weekend, but i did walk all over town, visiting a bunch of parks on both sides of the lake. it was hot and humid, and the whole city was out sunning and swimming. and ironman switzerland was going on! those people are amazing. i spent a good amount of time just admiring them! p called me on my new cell phone and it was my first contact with home since i got here. sniff sniff.
Thomas Jefferson? Jesus? Brad Pitt? The Keebler Elves?
If you don't want to use names or nicknames, can't you please at least use descriptive language to avoid the highly annoying blog pas of using a letter to symbolize a person. Why not "the real small Korean chick I share a room with" or something that similarly flows off the tongue?
If it's the Keebler Elves, can you please ask them to bring EL Fudge cookies and grasshopper cookies? I'd like some fresh ones. Thanks.
Can you please be a bit more physical in your description of the Swiss Ironmen? And how long, exactly, were you standing there drooling? Most importantly, did you secure a phone number from a small-sized Ironman?
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