10 July 2005


you may be wondering why this suissebee is posting at 7 am on a sunday! i thought i woke up early yesterday (6:30), but today i was up at 3 am!!! this is VERY unusual. after all, it's been said that i should be on the show "man versus beast" to see who could hibernate longer: me or a bear...

i think i'm over my jet lag, so my only guess is that i was too hungry to sleep. my stomach was bothering me last night so i skipped dinner (and have generally been eating poorly -- the hpb is temporarily on leave). i think all this dairy is starting to get to me, and i ran out of lactaid yesterday. (side note: this is worrying me quite a bit. i think the shipping people lumped my box of lactaid pills in with the contraband vitamins they removed from my boxes... so now what? somebody better visit me soon!) anyway, these swiss people sure like their alpine milk products. i don't have any food at home so i came to work to eat breakfast. and what did i just eat? cereal with whole milk, yogurt, and an ice cream bar! if i never post to this blog again, you'll know what happened to me...


Anonymous said...

i don't know what will have happened to you. you will have disintegrated into a big ball of gas?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!!!!! omg, my office mate things i'm crazy cuz i'm laughing too much at my computer.

Anonymous said...

well guemmy, your computer is pretty funny. whoops, it just farted. Room Nine, everyone report to Room Nine.