it's obvious to anyone who knows me that anything called "chocolate con churros" is a dish i'm sure to go out of my way to try. but oh no! the churros were decidedly not delicious (to my disneyland-trained taste buds), and they gave me so much chocolate that i figured i should just drink up the remainder after the greasy sticks were finished... (and s hinted that she'd seen somebody else doing this) we were in a hurry so i just poured it down my throat. plus, i don't think it was really a single serving size but s didn't help me out much. i went into such sugar/grease shock that i was totally knocked out for the entire scenic train ride to bilbao, and couldn't eat anything sweet the rest of the day!

during the whole trip, dinner was usually pintxo (basque version of tapas) hopping, which was always great fun even if i couldn't actually eat much. little dishes are put out on the counter and you just eat what you want and figure out the bill later. the cheese sandwich (one of my staples in switzerland) of spain has turned out to be tortilla con patatas -- a fat omelette filled with fried potates. i love breakfast eggs and potatoes, and here they are rolled up in one dish, often in a baguette as a sandwich. i think i ate this every day. it's a good thing i brought vitamins.
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