although recent political events have left me less enamored with my adopted country than before, i still find myself reacting to it positively now and then.
last night i went out for my annual fondue. i can only handle it once a year because it's so horrifying how much cheese gets consumed. there's only one place to do it: le dézaley by the grossmünster. (keep that in mind, my legions of future visitors!) another thing to keep in mind: fondue can only be consumed in winter -- even i've become swiss enough to gag at the thought of cheese fondue on a warm day. yuck! anyway, as soon as you walk into a fondue restaurant, this terrible cheesy stink engulfs you. it's really gross. but, in my third winter in zurich, i have to say i've gotten used to it, actually kind of like it, and am considering having fondue more than once a year now! (eww)
as for point #2. i went to the equivalent of the swiss DMV today to apply for a swiss driver's license. (and oh NO, i horrified myself just now by almost typing "driving license" because i'm surrounded by all these europeans who say that instead.) it was an amazing experience. i printed and filled out the application at my office, walked into the DMV, stood in a line with one person who then immediately got an open counter, waited about 10 seconds for another counter to open up, gave my documents to the lady, waited about 3 minutes while she typed some stuff and made copies of my docs, and then she said i'd get it in the mail in 2 weeks, goodbye! it was astounding. go switzerland.
21 November 2007
01 November 2007
mesopotamian video potluck
three things to talk about today!
1. i'm not really a nerd, just a nerd wannabe. however, i have a few nerdy tendencies, one of which is strategy board games. my latest obsession is tigris and euphrates. for a long time i couldn't win, which made me even more obsessed, but even now after a few victories, i'm always looking for chances to play it! since getting the game, i haven't looked twice at my old standby puerto rico, which is also really good but (at the moment) doesn't compare with the complexity of T&E. not that complexity is always good -- i don't like chess at all. but oooh, T&E is just excellent!
2. mr. button, inspired by my past life in moviemaking, made one of his own! please be so kind as to give it 5 stars. :)
3. last sunday was my first potluck in zurich! i instigated it, of course. these europeans don't seem to be familiar with the concept, and mr. button actually considers it socially questionable. but despite the fear, uncertainty, and doubt, it was lots of fun and brought back all my best memories of the potlucks we used to have at the beanpit. i hope to make it a monthly tradition, but i've said that about lots of things that never ended up happening again. we shall see! it's a chilly autumn and there's not much to do before the snow comes other than going to people's houses to eat and play board games... hee hee.
1. i'm not really a nerd, just a nerd wannabe. however, i have a few nerdy tendencies, one of which is strategy board games. my latest obsession is tigris and euphrates. for a long time i couldn't win, which made me even more obsessed, but even now after a few victories, i'm always looking for chances to play it! since getting the game, i haven't looked twice at my old standby puerto rico, which is also really good but (at the moment) doesn't compare with the complexity of T&E. not that complexity is always good -- i don't like chess at all. but oooh, T&E is just excellent!
2. mr. button, inspired by my past life in moviemaking, made one of his own! please be so kind as to give it 5 stars. :)
3. last sunday was my first potluck in zurich! i instigated it, of course. these europeans don't seem to be familiar with the concept, and mr. button actually considers it socially questionable. but despite the fear, uncertainty, and doubt, it was lots of fun and brought back all my best memories of the potlucks we used to have at the beanpit. i hope to make it a monthly tradition, but i've said that about lots of things that never ended up happening again. we shall see! it's a chilly autumn and there's not much to do before the snow comes other than going to people's houses to eat and play board games... hee hee.
12 October 2007
month of adventure
on the part of companies out to collect corporate dollars under the banner of "team-building." actually you can just clip yourself onto a safety line and it's much safer that way. anyway, this course has plenty of challenging bits, plus some fantastic zip lines! my favorite! tb and i had so much fun that we went again the next weekend. :)
p.s. when i used to work at HQ and there were enormous bins of junk food around every corner, i once overdosed on peanut m&m's and was unable to eat m&m's for a couple years. but i just ate a little bag right now, so it's time for me to announce that my m&m OD has been cured. thank you.
22 August 2007
oh dear, has it really been over 3 months since my last post? it's been a nice lazy summer, and the season's laziness has transferred to my blog-writing. (i'm usually so diligent, after all.) i passed my 2 year anniversary of moving to zurich, and now that i've been in europe for a while i'm traveling a lot less and doing more around here. the days of the lightning weekend trips are over! (sort of) since my last post, i've still traveled a little for work (israel), family (korea), and friends (romania, vienna), but i've also finally started doing things that make zurich feel a bit more like home: starting a [balcony] garden, celebrating birthdays, inviting myself over to friends' places, and getting up close and personal with (read: nearly smothered by) seething masses of swissies during the once-every-three-years züri-faescht. yum.
i also just got back from 2 weeks in california, and despite one sleep-champion night of 17 hours of sleep, jet lag has been plaguing me ever since. good thing i have the jeeves and wooster omnibus to entertain me!
i also just got back from 2 weeks in california, and despite one sleep-champion night of 17 hours of sleep, jet lag has been plaguing me ever since. good thing i have the jeeves and wooster omnibus to entertain me!
14 May 2007
even prettier than zurich
hmm, now i've made it sound like i actually like sailing... but it's more complicated than that. the entire time (that would be for about 8 hours last saturday) i'm either screaming in terror or barely holding in my screams of terror. but part of me still manages to like it. it's a bit stressful, being so torn. anyway, we didn't flip over, thereby accomplishing my primary goal, and even though some people say this boat actually can't flip over, i was proud of our crew. unfortunately, there's now some talk about practicing next time "in rough conditions"... eek!
07 May 2007
settlers and trains in rainy zurich
after skipping spring and jumping straight from winter into summer, we now seem to be either back in spring or fast forwarding to fall. it's going to rain all week! therefore, there was nothing better to do last weekend than play games and eat a lot. settlers, scrabble, and trains, hooray! a very strange wii game was also thrown into the mix (wario something), and there were some delicious pancakes in there too. that, plus being terrorized by moths and nightmares, was my weekend.
30 April 2007
the best weekend trip in europe
now that i'm a boring permanent swiss employee, i can no longer claim to be living the exciting life of being on an international assignment. so this blog may degenerate into something like a weekend update, but hey, one of my favorite blogs is a weekend update! (hi hwh) and i still manage to sneak in some interesting destinations over weekends, although i've seriously calmed down my travel schedule since last year. there will be much more simply enjoying the zurich lake, trying to learn how to take care of plants, and hanging out with friends now that i have some. :) but anyway, this is just to say that i'll try to write more regularly!
28 January 2007
happy 2007
i had to decide this month whether i'd stay in switzerland for good (i.e. transfer to become a swiss employee), or move back to the states. well folks, you heard it here first: i'm staying in zurich! eeeeeeeeeeeek! but not before i spend a few weeks in the states saying temporary goodbyes and trying to convince more people to come visit me. so hopefully i'll be seeing some of you soon, if not on one continent then on another.
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