one of my dutch coworkers brought back a box of hageslag from amsterdam. in his words:
"Hagelslag is the Dutch contribution to world cuisine, much ignored by the rest of the world (except for decorating cakes) awaits you in the kitchenette near the espresso maker and consist of very small pieces of chocolate to be put on bread. For the uninitiated, you have to put enough butter or similar on your bread lest the chocolate pieces will fall off again. It works also great with peanut butter. Maybe next
basically, they're chocolate sprinkles to be eaten with buttered bread. but oh my goodness!!! it's delicious!!! dare i say, even better than chocolate croissants! because you can control the buttery-ness and chocolatey-ness. i've eaten way too many pieces today... YUM!!!
sounds like a very healthy sojourn in la suisse.
Its verry yummy!! :-)
and the picture.. thats the dutch way of making bread grinn
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