on our second day in spain, we ended up in a nature reserve where the camping season had already ended. the nice lady at the office (after we spent about an hour asking her questions about nearby hikes) said we could camp there for one night anyway, since it was obvious that we had come for "el camping." BUT, as we lay in the tent that night, we kept hearing noises in the night and i was super jumpy. we were alone in the park... or hoped we were! tooooooo scary. in the end, we decided that there was too much potential for a really bad situation. so less than two hours after the tent went up, it was folded up again and we were walking down the dark road to the next town, about 7 km away. a grim situation.
after only 15 minutes though, we came to a little bed and breakfast. we weren't sure they would be awake, but they answered the door and there was the nice lady from the park office! we heard her say to her mom, "these are the girls i was telling you about!" it was pretty hilarious, but i was so overwhelmed with relief that i didn't appreciate the humor until later. i've never been filled with such gratitude and comfort by the sight of two beds in a little cabin...