the whole week's worth of adventures would be too much for a single blog post, so i'll just mention some of the most memorable things:
- our first night, sharing a sleeper train cabin with loudly snoring korean guys. a foreshadowing of things to come?
- really, really great falafel in paris! so good we had it two days in a row.
- everything is closed in europe in august!
- i can't get enough of chocolate crêpes and gelato! if you know how extremist i can be about some things, well, yeah -- it was gross.
- small treasures can be found in cheesy street markets.
- i can now order radler in five countries.
- p loves the durian bear!
- rick steves is a pretty good guide.
- who wants to go to venice with me in the off-season?

Please also lift the embargo on scandalous pictures. Thanks.
Grace, was that a chocolate croissant that I saw in the bottom middle picture? Yummy!
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