04 August 2005

germany, swiss national day, and message from mom

we had a 3-day weekend last weekend so i braved the 8-hour (each way) train journey to osnabrück, germany to visit j. he was the consummate host! except that he forgot that you're supposed to let your guests beat you in chess. it was nice to hang out with a "local" (my zurich life is full of temporary ex-pats), and i enjoyed seeing j in his native habitat. i realized that my german hasn't improved at all in the last month. also, i discovered that i like radler (beer + sprite), though i still drink it at the same rate as regular beer -- last estimated to be one every five hours.

got back monday night in time for a nice swiss national day bbq on a roof. we saw lots of little fireworks shows from a distance and it reminded me of july 4 from our roof at home. i tried quorn for the first time -- not bad!

and to preclude further comments from bored fans, i will end with a quote from a birthday email from my mom (with age obscured to preserve the illusion of youth):

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't believe you are already XX!!! It's time to look around seriously for you know WHO."


Anonymous said...

ok, quality of posts is slowly improving, but i know "anonymous" isn't going to like your use of the initial "j" to denote yawnybee. soooo, where is you know WHO? is he out there?

Anonymous said...

She-who-got-robbed-by-H&M is right. I hate the initials. It's just not cute. Please fill us in (e.g. a guy I know that yawns a lot). Boycott may be impending, and then who is going to respond to S-w-g-r-b-H&M with cranky repartee?